What would happen if US gov't shuts down?
Congress cannot agree on a funding bill for the U.S. government by a
midnight deadline, there will be far-reaching consequences for
everything from National Park admissions to economic data.
of the impact or relative lack of disruption is determined by whether
agencies are partly funded by industry user fees or deemed to be
essential services.
Here is a roundup of some of the impact that would be felt:
FEDERAL WORKERS: As many as 1 million federal employees could face
unpaid furloughs or missed paydays, according to the president of the
American Federation of Government Employees, which represents 670,000
union members.
THE WHITE HOUSE: The Executive Office of the
President will furlough about 1,265 staff and retain 436 as excepted
workers. Among the staff retained will be 15 to provide "minimum
maintenance and support" for the White House. Executive agencies will be
reduced to skeleton staff, including four at the Council of Economic
ECONOMIC DATA: The United States will stop publishing
much of its economic data if the government shuts down, including the
closely watched monthly employment report.
EXCHANGE COMMISSION: The SEC would continue reviewing applications for
initial public offerings (IPOs) and monitoring markets as normal in the
early weeks of a government shutdown, and can continue operating fully
for a few weeks, a spokesman said.
HUMAN SERVICES: Signup for the new U.S. health exchanges under the
Affordable Care Act due to start on Oct. 1 will proceed. Across the vast
department and its sub-agencies, about 52 percent of staff will be
furloughed - some 40,512 workers. Among the programs shuttered would be
the Centers for Disease Control's annual seasonal flu influenza program.
The National Institutes of Health would not admit new patients in most
percent of the FDA's employees will be working. Of those reporting to
work, 74 percent will be funded with fees paid to the FDA by the
industries it regulates. The FDA's expert advisory committee meetings,
which recommend whether the agency should approve new products, will for
the most part continue. The next scheduled panel is on Oct. 8 to
recommend whether to approve expanded use of certain pacemakers and
defibrillators from Medtronic Inc. . The FDA will cease most of its food
safety, nutrition and cosmetics activities, such as routine inspections
of plants and facilities. It will also be unable to monitor imports,
and will cease certain compliance and enforcement activities.
U.S. INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES: Substantial numbers of intelligence
personnel could be placed on leave, but those assigned to vital national
security missions, including supporting the president, and collecting
data from informants or spy devices such as eavesdropping systems or
satellites, will generally remain on the job.
Shawn Turner,
chief spokesman for National Intelligence Director James Clapper, said:
"The immediate and significant reduction in employees on the job means
that we will assume greater risk and our ability to support emerging
intelligence requirements will be curtailed."
National parks would close, meaning a loss of 750,000 daily visitors and
an economic loss to gateway communities of as much as $30 million for
each day parks are shut, according to the non-profit National Parks
Conservation Association.
personnel would continue on normal duty status, but half of the Defense
Department's 800,000 civilian employees would be placed on unpaid leave.
Pentagon has said it will halt military activity not critical to
national security.
Officials have said military personnel, who
are paid twice a month, would receive their Oct. 1 paychecks but might
see their Oct. 15 paychecks delayed if a government shutdown takes place
and no funding deal is reached by Oct. 7.
SERVICE: Most of the federal tax agency's 90,000 employees would be
furloughed. Taxpayers who requested an extension beyond the April 15
deadline to file their 2012 taxes must do so by Oct. 15 and will be able
to file these returns even if the IRS is still shut down then.
including the Federal Reserve and the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, would stay open because they do not rely on Congress for
funding. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp and the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency pay for themselves and would remain open.
Loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will still be available
during the government shutdown. Both firms, which were seized by the
U.S. government in 2008 as rising mortgage losses threatened them with
insolvency, will continue normal operations. The Federal Housing
Administration, which offers mortgage lenders guarantees against
homeowner defaults, will have limited operations.
DEPARTMENT: Fewer than 18,000 of the department's 114,486 employees
would be furloughed, and if the furlough is prolonged, some of those
could be brought back to work. Criminal litigation would continue under a
government shutdown, while civil litigation would be curtailed or
postponed as much as possible "without compromising to a significant
degree the safety of human life or the protection of property," the
department said in its contingency plan.
Supreme Court would probably operate normally, as it has during previous
shutdowns, but a spokesman declined to share the high court's plans.
Federal courts would remain open for about 10 business days if the
government closes on Oct. 1, and their status would be reassessed on or
about Oct. 15.
squeezed by automatic spending cuts imposed by the so-called sequester,
the USTR office has reduced travel to the 41 countries where there are
concerns about intellectual property, Trade Representative Michael
Froman said.
be one of the hardest hit, with less than 7 percent of its employees
exempt from furlough. The broad-based shutdown of all but emergency
services would delay rule-making, potentially including finalization of
renewable fuel volume requirements for 2014.
DEPARTMENT: USDA meat inspectors would stay on the job. Statistical
reports would not be published, and the important Oct. 11 U.S. crop
report could be delayed depending on how long a shutdown lasts. USDA has
said its website, USDA.gov, "will go dark and be linked to a 'splash'
page," denying access to historical data and other information.
TRAVEL: Air and rail travelers in the United States should not feel a
big impact, since passport inspectors, security officers and air traffic
controllers will all continue to work as usual.
SIGHTS: Most popular tourist spots in the nation's capital would close,
including the Lincoln Memorial, the Library of Congress, the National
Archives, the National Zoo and all Smithsonian Museums. The zoo's live
animal webcams would be disabled. All animals will continue to be fed
and cared for.
Reuters | Posted at 10/01/2013 10:36 AM
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