a) The character who owned the item(s) must be Level 80+.
b) The player must contact a GM to ask for item recovery within 15 days from the date the item(s) were deleted or decomposed. We will do everything we can to recover the original attributes of your item(s), but because of differences in versions and coding, we cannot guarantee you'll get the exact same item back. The GWO team also charges a fee for the service, 4,000 GW Gold the first time, and 8,000 GW Gold each time after that, if restoration is successful. If we cannot restore the item(s) the service charge will be refunded.
c) If the item(s) was lost due to account sharing (backed up by the tracking record of IP addresses, as well as other proof we collect), this service will be narrowed to only cover BOUND item(s).
source: http://service.igg.com/faq/information.php?id=100
(Any Corrections and additions, Please leave comment)
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another awesome post mate. :) keep it up!