Thursday, August 23, 2012

Godswar Patch 2.42.007 : NEW MAP/ZONES

Two new maps, Thebes and Mycenae have been introduced. Thebes is friendly to Athens, while Mycenae is friendly to Sparta.

Mycenaean Greece is a cultural period of Bronze Age Greece that derives its name from the archaeological site of Mycenae in northeastern Argolis, in the Peloponnese of southern Greece. The Mycenaean civilization flourished during the period roughly between 1600 BC, when Helladic culture in mainland Greece was transformed by influences from Minoan Crete. With the persistent efforts of some talented kings, Mycenae became one of the most powerful city-states in Greece. Not long after the Trojan War broke out, the Mycenaean king Agamemnon was made the commander in chief of the Greek army. Mycenae would also most likely side with Sparta because Agamemnon and the Spartan king were brothers.

                                              New map: Mycenae

Thebes is situated to the north of the Cithaeron range, which divides Boeotia from Attica, and on the southern edge of the Boeotian plain. Thebes was the largest city of the region and was the leader of the Boeotian confederacy. Theban forces ended the power of Sparta at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC under the command of Epaminondas, which made Thebes one of the most powerful forces in Greece, but left them bitter rivals with Sparta. However, with the death of Epaminondas in battle, Thebes was left without its most talented commander. Thebes is an ally of Athens because of their close proximity and the bitter rivalry they have with Sparta.

                                         New map: Thebes

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